Explore the Innumerable Benefits of Sustainable Practices in the best schools in India.

Know the How and Why of Practising Sustainability by the Best Schools in India.

What if I said that innovation and technological advancements can be stirred even without harming the health of the ethos and humanity? Yes, if every individual acts responsibly to the wake-up call from nature ‘sustainability’ can be attainable. From a very tender age, the child must be introduced to the moral responsibility of adopting eco-friendly habits. So, the best schools in India have included effective practices as part of their curriculum to achieve sustainability at all levels possible. Read on to learn about the need for and the benefits of implementing eco-friendly practices by Queen Mira, one of the best CBSE international board schools in Madurai.

Why are sustainable practices important in schools?

Overall well-being of the students: Schools with ample space & ventilation, well-lit, and with the necessary facilities, become a conducive & healthy learning environment for students. Who would say no to vast greens around bright & joyful classrooms?!

Improved student performance: An eco-friendly learning environment that is fine-tuned to sustainable practises not only sustains the students’ health but also lifts up their morale, which in turn boosts their academic performance.

Shapes responsible citizens: As technology advances, the race to keep up is relentless, also increasing the need to protect & sustain our environment. So, the well-known CBSE international board schools in Madurai implement sustainable practices to foster eco-friendly habits & empathy among young minds.

Huge cost savings: Schools that have in place eco-friendly teaching methods save energy & reduce operating costs by 20%-40%. The saved funds can be used by the management for teachers’ training & bonuses, or for improving student-specific facilities.

Related: Learn about the most effective physical education programs in the CBSE international board schools

Are you looking for the ‘best CBSE Schools near me’ with sustainable practices?

While integrating technology can elevate the quality of education, along comes the hazards it inflicts on the environment and the mind & body of the student community. So, the best schools in India have to set sustainable development goals that emphasize green technology. When schools offer value-based learning exposing students to real-life scenarios to embolden one’s personality, then true leaders are born.

Queen Mira International School in Madurai is one such renowned school that has successfully proffered and implemented sustainable practices in the school’s everyday curriculum. Some of the note-worthy and effective practices at QMIS are:

Value-based education: As the first CIS-accredited CBSE school in Madurai, QMIS stands tall braced by its core values of Accountability, Commitment, Integrity, Respect and Positivity. The students’ academic and extra-curricular activities, at every walk of their lives, are infused with these values to educate responsible leaders of tomorrow. From a very early age students are encouraged to explore, remain original, creative, question, and follow their passion.

Holistic growth: If you are looking for one of the top CBSE Schools near me, shortlist those schools that emphasise on holistic growth of the students. The many uniquely curated initiatives at QMIS that aim at achieving sustainability, make it stand out from the other CBSE international Board schools in Madurai. Students are encouraged to think and apply complex concepts, learn from real-life scenarios, and be acknowledged as skilled individuals in a supportive environment.

Physical fitness: QMIS doesn’t stop with just emotional well-being. Because they understand it is the physical well-being that can lead to overall wellness. So, the school has thoughtfully included several sports & physical fitness programs for the student & staff community. And the cherry on the cake is, they aren’t just another PT period but well-established fitness sessions that are one of the school’s effective sustainability practices.

Emotional well-being: As one of the best schools in India, QMIS considers itself responsible for grooming emotionally sound individuals. The school, through various student enrichment programs, has been successful in instilling a positive mindset, by extending students’ learning “More & Beyond” in the classroom and textbooks.

Activities for social responsibility: Queen Mira is one of the best schools in India with a CIS accreditation and strongly believes in shaping socially responsible citizens. Students not only learn to embrace diversity but also empathise and contribute to the world beyond. To foster a peaceful, just & sustainable world, students develop compassion, work interdependently, and come up with globally sustainable solutions.

Collaborative & globalised education: QMIS visualises and strives to provide an ‘Anywhere & Any time learning environment’ through a collaborative learning approach. By offering a globalised education, students gain international perspectives as their thinking horizons broaden. When these two key techniques are combined, their soft skills improve, and sustainable habits are imbibed which pave the way for a more peaceful and co-existing future for the society.

Wish to witness your child emerge as a responsible global leader? head to the school website to know the admission details 

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